RV Time Travel

Using remote viewing it is possible to see future events (time travel)

With nothing more advanced than a simple pen and paper I can RV scenes from the future. It is possible to see events that have not happened yet. RV is a science created by our military to see what is happening in far away places, and even to see events that take place in the future. 

How does RV - Remote Viewing work?

It is believed that the psychic ether has in it vibrations of future and past events. We can tap into these events by focusing the mind on the period of time we wish to travel to. Time travel is now a distinct probability. RV time travel uses latent powers of the mind harnessed to obtaining information about the future by "remembering" the future and tapping into the psychic matrix.

I believe that using scalar waves emanating from the Hyper Dimensional Resonator or HDR created by inventor Steven Gibbs I can increase me ability to perform psychic predictions.

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